I want to get to know every citizen

“Things are only going to change when the voices of everyday people are heard.”

Chris has spent his career speaking up for others, as a union organiser and through community organisations.  He was very active in the campaign to save St George Bank from takeover by Westpac, which resulted in conditions on the sale being imposed to protect jobs and services.

“Our young people are struggling to get a job, and they need more and more qualifications to even get a look in; kids growing up in our area have to move away if they’re to have any chance at buying a house; and families are still struggling with the cost of living, especially on things like childcare” he said.

Chris said he hoped to have a conversation with every person in the electorate, to genuinely understand what makes them tick. 

“It’s an ambitious goal, but I don’t think you can claim to represent a community without really understanding it. I want to know what keeps you up at night.  I want to understand your hopes for the future.  That’s what should be front and centre in the national political discussion.  I think politicians sometimes lose sight of that.”

I think an MP’s job is to go to Canberra and amplify the voices of everyday people, not just do the bidding of those who already have a lot of money and power.”

Chris and his wife Kate have one daughter.